Sunday, August 30, 2009

no english?

After my episode with the mango shake, my body was pummeled and I just woke up from sleeping for 16 hours straight. The last time I slept for that long was when I had mono in high school. The good news is that I feel back to life now...

One of the most unexpected things on our journey so far has been the lack of people speaking English. I don't necessarily mean the Thais themselves, but more so the white people that we see. We have yet to meet any other Americans. We see quite a few white people but they are speaking other languages! We have met a few Australians but no Americans. It has been quite surprising.

Today we continue on our search for housing and jobs....we have to remind ourselves regularly that it is only day 5.

1 comment:

  1. Hayley Jeanne!
    Glad you made it ok! Safe and alive!!! THAT is the important thing! Did you brush up on any Thai language b4 you left? You are soo smart, it wont take long to get aclimated. I will look daily for your postings! Wish you the best in your adventure!! p.s. Madison is adjusting to life at CSU and Shannon adjusting being alone with little ol me! Quieter around here for sure! You be safe! Love You! Your FAVORITE Aunt Judy :)))
